

円谷 仁美 Satomi Tsumuraya


また、幼い頃から子供が大好きで、自分が少し長く生きているお姉さんとして出来る事はないかと探し始める。1年間の留学経験を生かし、日本で4年間子供から大人までの英語講師を務め、2010年には英語とアートをコラボしたEnglish&Art classを独自で始める。そのほかキャンプのスタッフなど、様々なボランティア活動にも参加。今後も日本のみならず世界中の子供達のサポートをしていきたい。
Drawing and making crafts have always been my big interests since I was a child. I started paper-making when I was a high school student. As I enjoy making pop-up cards for my friends as a gift, I became interested in pursuing my career as a Harie-artist. I made my first pop-up picture book when I was a college student. Since then, I’ve been given the opportunities to design cards, a cover of books and posters.
Working with children is another important factor in my career. I have been asking myself what I can offer children (not as a teacher but) as someone just a few years older than them.
After one year English study in Canada, I became a teacher in a private English school, and there I worked with children for 4 years. In addition, I started my own “English & Art class” in 2010 since I like both children and arts. Also, I’ve engaged in a summer camp and a day camp as a staff member and some more volunteer works to support children. I would love to continue supporting children not only in Japan but all around world in many ways in my future.

元気の花 Happy flowerLorem
Happy flower is made with five petals in different shapes of heart. Each petal represents the people with different nationalities and races in the world. Just like these petals connected and making a beautiful flower, I believe we can be one and connected to each other without leaving anyone behind. I use this motif in many of my artwork. This is my wish to plant happiness in the heart, for everyone, especially the children.

Not only the traditional MIZUHIKI , which entails tortoise and crane designs, but I use Mzuhiki to make hair accessories, corsage and wedding decoration. “Kizuna Musubi” is a knot tied at the wedding as prayers to start a life together. I would like to explore the modern forms of Mizuhiki while preserving the beauty of its tradition and history, as a way of communicating with people around the world.

貼り絵経歴 Harie- Paper cutting art

サマーキャンプMSTERIOパスポートデザイン作成 Design MSTERIO summer camp passports

サマーキャンプMSTERIOオリジナルCDジャケット作成 Designed MSTERIO’s original CD cover


株式会社トータルサポート 会社ポスター作成 Designed a poster for Total Support Inc

株式会社パソナ ベビーシッター研修冊子表紙作成 Designed a babysitting Brochure cover for Pasona Inc.

株式会社小学館アカデミー キャンペーンポスター作成 Designed a campaign poster for Shogakukan Academy Inc.


アートと英語を混ぜたEnglish&Art classを始める。 Began “English & Art” class, which is a combination of Art and English class


学童保育みんなのてらこや 会社ロゴ・ご案内作成 Designed a company logo and Brochre for Minnano terakoya Inc.

元気の花活動~Happy Flower volunteer activity~
NY小児病棟を慰問。元気の花200本を子供達に送る。 2004 Visited a pediatric hospital in NY with 200 happy flowers for the children
NYチャリティーコンサート”Stand with Japan”で元気の花400本を送る。 2011 Sent 400 happy flowers for the Charity Concert in NY “Stand With Japan.”

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